Thursday, May 31, 2012

Things I Love Thursday

I know I've talked before about SchoolHouse Electric and Supply. I LOVE this store, they combine a modern sleekness with a vintage feel. This is one of the places I've been loading up on inspiration recently ... good stuff. 

Kitchen Products I Love

I've been digging around in the nooks and crannies of the internet, searching for awesome and affordable kitchen products. A kitchen should be functional, beautiful, easy to clean, and unique. You can achieve these things without breaking the bank. Here are some of my favorite money saving finds that will create an upscale, comfortable, beautiful kitchen on a budget. 

$49.99 I love this retro looking faucet ... I think it's cute enough to get me to do dishes :) 

This butcher block can be purchased from Ikea at $59.00 at 8ft. If you don't believe me, click the link ... Ikea wins again!  

This tile is actually on the pricey side, but kitchen backsplash makes clean up easy and adds loads of character to your space. The best part is that you usually don't need a lot, so 10 sq ft may do it for you. 
$70.94 for 10 sq.ft. You can find cheaper backsplash tile by heading to a home improvement store and looking at their clearance tile. We purchased backsplash tiles from Lowes earlier this year for our laundry room at just $1.00/sq ft! 

I definitely have an obsession with beautiful (and big) sinks. I feel like this is a good place to splurge a little. It will give your kitchen a custom, high end feel. This gorgeous double bowl sink is priced at $312.98

5. Painted Cabinets
A great way to breath new life into a dated kitchen is by painting the cabinets. You can buy special paint made specifically for painting your cabinets at your local home improvement store and update your kitchen's look in a big way.  

After you get that fresh coat of paint on your cabinets, update the hardware. You can buy pulls like this for $2.54/ea. on amazon. This is one of the easiest ways to update and personalize any space. 

These warehouse pendants are on trend and add a cool industrial feel to a country inspired or modern kitchen. The price is definitely right on this one at just $24.88! 

When updating appliances consider your options. Stainless steal has a high end look, but white will save you some serious cash and never be out of style. This gas range is on sale at Sears for $463.99, cheaper than a new iPhone ;) 

Laminate floor planks come at an affordable price and come with easy install instructions so that anyone can do it. If you choose a wood or laminate floor that you can install your self you will save big on hired help! Lumber Liquidators sell laminate wood planks like this one at just $0.89/sq. ft.!  

I hope you find inspiration from this kitchen board! I know I will be using it in the future ;) 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

I'm blogging via the iPhone today.. It my first day out of the house since Jude's accident and I'm feeling awesome! Totally inspired and reenergized.

I've been pouring all of my extra time and attention into my art space for the past month and it's been a slow but rewarding process. This venture has not been a large financial commitment but it has and will continue to be a huge investment of my time and emotional state of being. Nothing ventured, nothing gained has always been a quote that I've lived by. Sacrifice turns into great reward. This drywall project is finally wrapping up, I'm priming and painting the space this week and I'm so totally happy with my decision to take take this opportunity and run!

If you ever have an opportunity to build a wall, I highly recommend you try it... You will feel quite accomplished ;)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Picture Quote Saturday

I feel like this quote is fitting for the end of this week. Emotions have been running high all week and I've been filled with grateful thoughts. On Thursday evening Our 4 year old, Judith, fell and broke her left arm and we've spent the past two days in and out of different doctors offices and hospital rooms. After X-rays, a splint, a surgery, and a huge cast we are back at home and very grateful to be together and safe. I never thought a broken arm could cause such a whirlwind of emotion, but it certainly has! 

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ride It!

Whether you do it in a group, by yourself,  in a skirt, or in a suit, whether you like it on the beach, in the country, or on your way to work ... you just gotta ride that bike! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Helen the Hoosier

This is what she looked like the moment I laid eyes on her. I became instantly infatuated, some know it as love at first sight. I've seen many of these vintage Hoosier cabinets over the years and I've always admired them, but when I saw Helen ... it was just different. I had to have her. She was marked at $150.00 which is a fair price on a cabinet like this, but she was dirty .... REALLY DIRTY. The bottom of the cabinet was rotted out and needed a new back and bottom, and as we came to find out a few structural reinforcements as well. I didn't care about these things ... barely even noticed them. I offered $135 and brought her home a few days later. 

Most Hoosiers that you see in antique stores today are early models. They are made from sturdy oak and were never intended to be painted. These cabinets were made from 1898 through the 20's and even into the 30's. It wasn't until the late 20's and early 30's that they were manufactured in lower grade wood that was intended to be painted. This was towards the end of the Hoosier popularity, which was a result of modern built in cabinetry and the onset of a national depression. 

The Hoosier was an ingenious invention that would house the entirety of a modern families baking supplies. The enamel top pulls out to create a large work surface, the upper cabinets always contained a built in flour sifter that would hold up to 50lbs of flour. Often times there would be another container for sugar and racks for other dry goods and spices. 

My Helen came complete with flour sifter, beautiful enamel top that still pulls out with ease, a functioning roll top compartment, and beautiful art deco stencils on the upper doors. I know you all know me for painting and altering furniture, but I also believe that you just don't mess with a good thing! This girl is painted in the iconic yellow and green of the 1930's and I would never dream of compromising her integrity. So I set out to very gently and considerately clean her and rebuild her bottom half. 

After about four weeks she has finally been moved inside. Brett did most of the structural reinforcements and I did the cleaning. 

When I bought Helen, there was a note with her from the seller that said she was found in the lower level of an old townhouse in downtown Chicago. I'm guessing Chicago is where Helen has spent her life until now. I'm not sure if she was left there abandoned for several years, or just not cared for, but signs of wear inside and out indicated severe neglect. But after wiping away layers of dirt and set in grease I found the original wear marks from when she was once loved and used as the most functional workspace in a kitchen. 

Although the Hoosier company created the Hoosier, there were many companies that also sold these cabinets. Helen has an actual Hoosier insignia which from what I hear is fairly rare, and I'm quite pleased with this little piece of history, still in tact after 80 years.  

Thanks for stopping by to see my pride and joy ;)  

Monday, May 21, 2012

The 1920's Kitchen Tour

As I was perusing the internet this morning, doing a little research on Hoosier cabinets, I came across some spectacular 1920's kitchen ads ... marketed towards the "modern" woman. I've always had a little obsession over these types of things, hand drawn ads from the 20's portray an idyllic kitchen fit for the finest of house wives, lol, can you imagine? I love the ads, despite their sexist nature, the taste in home and kitchen decor back then can not be topped! I will share a few of my favorites from Antique Home Style with you! 

What's not to love? The sink is totally to die for, the cabinet pulls are totally on trend even in the modern day, the little blue stool, and does anyone else see that stove! 

This is an Armstrong Linoleum ad. According to the source, the little eating nooks like the one shown above was an essential feature for an upscale, early 1920's kitchen.

The introduction of built in cabinets. You can see this ad shows a sort of built in cabinet that is structured around an old time Hoosier model. This whole ad fascinates me ... I simply must start ironing in heels! 

A Crane Plumbing ad, illustrates a top of the line sink during the 1920's. I find it very interesting that having a stool at the sink was the norm at the time ... I suppose you might spend a lot of time there before the age of the dishwasher. 

This late 20's illustration reminds me of my Hoosier Cabinet, which I will be revealing to you tomorrow, when it's finally fully cleaned, functional, and reinforced! I love the green and the stencil work here. Is that a garbage can under the sink? I noticed the same one in the first picture ... what is that??

Lastly, a modest and simple 20's kitchen. The blue linoleum is adorable, and the white and red accents are so fitting to the time. I think my favorite thing about this ad is the tiny icebox on pretty little legs. The modern day refrigerator just can't compete! 

I hope you enjoyed this 1920's kitchen tour! Happy Monday friends, and stay tuned tomorrow for our own 1920's kitchen addition!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Picture Quote Saturday

Van Gogh again. I'm a fan. 

I hope you all enjoyed your Saturday, and are ready for a wonderful Sunday! I'm headed to Bloomington tomorrow for the area's largest flea market! We've got the double stroller dusted off and are ready to hunt for some treasure, bring it on! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I've been slacking in blogger-verse lately, and I can't really even give you a reason why. I think I need to recollect my inspiration and find my blogging chi again. I've been searching around the interwebs today for a little inspiration ... I've been mad about yellow lately. So today I'm sharing with you some yellow inspiration. Enjoy! 

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Everyone has a different idea of what Mother's Day is. When I was a kid I thought of it as the day that I was obligated to for sure go to church and then probably work in the garden with my mom. Now that I'm older (and slightly more mature), I think of Mother's Day as a day that mothers everywhere should be given appreciation for raising our posterity ... that's a pretty big deal, thank you moms! 

On a more personal level I think of mothers day as a day to be truly thankful for my kids, the only two people in the entire world who could have ever made me rise to the occasion of motherhood. Being a mother isn't easy (you either know that from experience, or have heard it too many times). What you may be don't always hear, is that it makes you appreciate life on a different level. In my case it brought me to life. Without my kids I would be a less evolved version of myself ... I love them so much. 

Here's a few Instagram snaps of them from the past week ... the chunks, the buppas, iggy and teeb, tinkle and hoon, be-ba and muppet. 

Here's the itty bitty photobooth picture that sits on my nightstand of my mom and me ... she was 5 years younger than I am today ... woah. Happy Mother's Day, mom! I wish I was there with you today to go to church and work in the garden :) 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Picture Quote Saturday

Happy Saturday, and big love to all you moms out there this weekend! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Things I Love Thursday: The Bathing Beauty Edition

I have my mind on sun bathing, swimming and summer fashion! The weather is prime here in the Midwest, just before the hot hot heat sets in. I'm day dreaming about these retro summer styles! I don't think I could get away with the way hot vintage bloomers, but I wish I could! My version will be something like this, which I love equally! I'm all about Mod Cloth's retro swim line! 

What are you wearing this summer? 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Goodmorning! I have certainly been something of a blog slacker this week. We've been busy with about a million things, but most involved has been the progress on my new art/studio space. I've been waiting to spill the beans about this new space until I started making a little progress, but I'm very excited to announce the fact that Little Red Chair is going physical! 

I live in Shelbyville, IL, a small town in central IL surrounded by about 100 other small towns and farming communities. One of the more artful towns is Sullivan, IL where my brother in law, Nick, rents studio space in the historic Brown Shoe Factory. The second floor of the factory has been transformed into an amazing space for artists to rent space to display art, make art, make music, etc. After spending some time working with Nick hanging the Dark Tranquility show last month, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and get an artist space. I will be displaying and selling my photography and finished furniture in the space. I can't wait to get it up and running!

Like all good things, it's a process. The space I rented was framed out with studs, it took me about two weeks to decide what I wanted to use for walls ... I finally settled on drywall because it's just the absolute cheapest way to build a good looking wall. One problem ... I don't know how to install drywall! Brett and I decided we would put our handy skills to work and with a little help from the internet and good words of advice from a few experts, and I'd say we're off to a good start! Let me show you around! 

I think the most frustrating part of the whole process was actually getting the drywall into the elevator ...  this stuff is heavy! We ended up having to stand it up to make it fit. 

Here's what the space looked like when we got there yesterday. It's about 192 square feet. The studs are 8ft. and we drywalled both side walls yesterday which are 16 feet each. 

This is our first piece! Cutting the holes for the electric was not easy... luckily Brett mastered this by the end of the day. These sheets are 4x8 feet. 

Brett, screwing in the final piece of drywall on the first wall. 

Second wall nearly finished 

And here's my awesome door! 

I'm headed back today for some clean up ... I will snap a few more shots then to share the full view. We still have so much to do! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our Saturday

This post is a photo documentary that I shot yesterday, Saturday May 5, 2012. I documented candid moments throughout the day, from the moment I woke up until night fall. This is the second time I've done this project, the first was back in May of 2010, you can see it here. I would highly recommend this mini documentary to anyone, kids or no kids ... it's fun and sweet way to record a random day in time. Enjoy! 

I crack open my eyes .... It's Lennon, telling me it's time to get up. 
 Must make coffee. 
 Let the chickens out
 She's trying to pretend like it doesn't freak her out terribly that I'm standing in her chicken run with a camera.
 Jude and Lennon put boots on over their jamies and demand Saturday morning doughnuts.
 She makes a convincing argument
 I give in.
 What? No one at County Market at 7am on Saturday morning ... I guess we get first dibs on doughnuts.
 Lennon can never choose. 
 Jude doesn't think twice.
 Breakfast among siblings.
 Finally. Coffee. 
 Jude retires to the couch for her Saturday morning ritual of Sponge Bob watching. 
and look who emerges from the bed chamber... 
 We decide to sit outside, play, read and soak in the rays ... my hanging pots are happy. 
 Lennon says it's hot and almost 11pm ... time for lunch! (he's actually trying to hang that net on the wall with little success ... this is his mad face)
 So lunch it is. 
 Lennon asks sweetly for a nap, or scream cries until someone takes him to bed. 
They sleep.
 The good husband mows. 
 The good wife does the dishes ... we're incredibly domesticated. 
 I visit the hens. a couple of blog posts. 
 Guess who's awake ... 
 and happier! 
 After nap smiles are my favorite. 
 After nap hair is my other favorite. 
Cuddling in bed quickly turns into a lethal zone that will only end in being kicked in the face by a tiny foot. 
 We head downstairs ... Jude finds her marble stash. 
Lennon shows me that he's playing marbles too.  
 There's probably 20 marbles lost in our couch now. 
 Brett's done mowing, and somehow managed not to die of heat exhaustion.  
 Now I get to shower. 
 I hate choosing an outfit. 
 Jewelry ... usually I pass, but tonight we're visiting the Snokes for a brewing party, so I'll jazz it up a little. 
 Yes, I'm actually behind the camera, and yes I desperately need to trim my bangs. 
 Lennon tells me it's time to go. 
 5 minutes later I tell them it's time to go. 
 Jude's ready to see her friend Judd! 
 The kids play. 
 We roast hot dogs. 
 Lennon's a pro ... That's Duke in the background, looking interested. 
 They eat. 
 They laugh.
 Duke makes his move. 
What better way to finish a great day than smores? 
 The rest is history, mixed with some sad sobs when we returned home, and a beautiful full moon.